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Dedicated machine parts

The enormous experience collected during many production projects of short series of dedicated fasteners also allowed us to specialize in the preparation and manufacturing of individual pieces of machine parts. Thanks to extensive engineering knowledge, together with our clients, we develop the technology of execution and propose optimal solutions, focusing on increasing the durability and strenght of these elements.

Parts made by us function in various constructions on a daily basis, whether on land, in the marine environment (both above and underwater) and in the air.

Due to constant cooperation with the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences we continue to develop our technological and material capabilities, which results in tests and patented solutions focused on producing smaller dimensions of fastening units with strength and durability equal to much larger in size standardized products.

Thanks to our customers’ trust the fasteners we’ve produced are small but important parts in large machine constructions such as valves in dams, engines and turbines in ships, constructions on oil rigs, submersibles, and building constructions of the best world architects.

Therefore difficult challenges are our specialty.

Inter-Metal sp.j.  |  26-600 Radom  |  ul. Lubelska 69/71  |  tel. +48 48 365 61 85  |  fax +48 48 365 52 95  |  e-mail:

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